Thursday, April 30, 2015

Rent Money

I remember a time when we were in Broken Arrow, and God was trying our hearts! On a particular day God was directing me to give some money. We had the money so everything's cool, just give it, right?  The only problem was, that money was the money I had to pay the rent that was due in three days! A problem for me, but not for God. 

I considered it and we (Misty & I) gave $1000. We were believing that God would give us our rent money and we only had three days. The day finally came and I needed this same money to pay the rent and had believed God had directed me to give it away, my rent money. And, by the end of the rent money. So now what?  Gird up your loins and believe God, that's what. 

I called my landlord to let him know I would get him his money as soon as I had it. Now we were a couple of days past due, and that meant I'd have to also pay a late fee. I want to tell you, I appreciate God. I thank him for his goodness and his mercy. If you don't know it, I'll tell you....He wants you to thank him. By Jesus, let us offer the sacrifice of praise, that is fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. 

Yes I was late. Yes I was embarrassed to call my landlord and say I'll be late on my rent. Yes our faith was tried. But, yes! God provided that money in a couple of days. In fact, someone gave me money, who knew nothing of the matter. It was all God and I thank God for it. 

God bless,

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