I was born in Tahlequah, Oklahoma at the W.W. Hastings Indian Clinic. I'm 1/4 Cherokee (from my dad) and 1/16 Creek (from my mom) and a member of the Cherokee Nation. When I was 15 years old I moved to Whitefield, Oklahoma to live with my dad. Whitefield is a small community located at the intersection of Highway 9 and Highway 2. Living with my dad I attended and graduated from Stigler High School. Stigler is the county seat of Haskell County which is located within the borders of the Choctaw Nation.
Not only did I graduate from Stigler High School, later I taught Algebra and coached football for Stigler Public Schools. My wife, Misty, who is 29/64 Creek, 3/64 Seminole as well as a member of the Creek Nation, was also a school teacher. She taught at Grace Russell Elememtary in Wilburton, Oklahoma and Keota Elementary in Keota, Oklahoma while we lived in Stigler, all of which are located within the boundaries of the Choctaw Nation. Both of us taught at schools with a large number of students who were Choctaw, working also along with other teachers that were Choctaw.
In 2011 Doyle Davidson and Water of Life Ministries hosted monthly meetings in Muskogee, Oklahoma, that included a free dinner along with praise and worship. On one of those occasions I invited a group of students from Jones Academy located in Hartshorne, Oklahoma. Jones Academy was founded by the Choctaw Nation and is home to approximately 200 Indian children grades 1-12.
In 1994, I began hearing the gospel preached out of Water of Life Ministries. I had grown up hearing about Jesus, and knew that he died, was buried, and rose again; I did not know that that was the gospel as defined in I Corinthians 15: 3 - 4, I did not know that the gospel was the power of God, available to me on a daily basis for all I had need of. During this time I also received 239 hours of teaching tapes that came out of this same ministry. These tapes, with the gospel being ministered, were given away to me and all over the world free of charge. I began to join in, watching Water of Life Ministries on LeSea KWHB - TV47, and attended the "Gospel Crusades" when Doyle and others would travel to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Years later, I still continued to join in with the programs whenever they were avalable along with my wife from our home in Stigler, Oklahoma.
In May of 2014, Misty and I joined the staff here at Water of Life Ministries as ministers of the gospel. Today we share that same gospel that has been brought to us with all of our friends in the various places God has put us over the years.
Each Sunday, Doyle Davidson, Kathie Davidson, Paul Peters, Terre Brown, The Mai Girls, The Brown Brothers, Terre and the Browns, and the Sweet 16 are ministering the power of God on DirecTV channel 367 and Dish Network 217 at noon. The broadcast is also available over the air (antenna) on LeSea TV-47, also at noon. You can also find us on the internet where our services are available on Live Stream (http://www.doyledavidson.com/live.shtml), and ROKU.
The gospel; the death, burial, and resurrection is being preached in Indian country.